Wild Sharon (Sutton 1994)
Peaches in Wine (Pryor 1998) Louisiana Iris
Cordoba (Ghio 1998)
"A garden is like those pernicious machineries which catch a man's coat-skirt or his hand, and draw in his arm, his leg, and his whole body to irresistible destruction." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Joe and Jill Bonino, Glendale, CA.
In the picture below, Jill Bonino (left) is accompanied by AIS President Jeanne Plank, and her husband Bob.
Brian Moon and Leigh Nicolai-Moon, Santa Clarita, CA.
Jan and Mike Lauritzen, Chartsworth, CA.
Randy and Betty Squires, North Hills, CA.
In the picture below Randy (left) is showing garden visitors some of his latest iris creations.
The above picture is of Batik (Ensminger 1985), a border bearded (BB) iris. The border bearded irises are shorter than the tall bearded, but bloom around the same time. The purple and white flowers have a yellow beard and bloom on stalks of approximately 24 inches. Batik's style is of broken colors, and is described as "white ground, striped royal purple B-yellow tipped white." HM 1988, AM 1990. This photo was taken at the Bonino Garden on the San Fernando Valley Iris Society's hosted Region 15 Trek 2006, on April 22.